Snapshot vote is live - Snapshot
1. Overview:
Tessera (formerly, the protocol that has been able to fractionalize the Doge NFT into $DOG) has come out with a new innovative way to fractionalize Nouns to allow people to participate in NounsDAO governance at a “fraction” of the cost and each piece is unique (which can be sported as a fun pfp). Noun #69 is available on secondary for 1.69 ETH. The DAOge should buy it.
2. Proposed use of $DOG grant:
The entirety of the 1.69 ETH would be used to buy the nounlet. The core team would work on the delegate campaign and/or fractionalizing the NFT to drop to pixel holders.
3. Experience
Tessera is the quintessential dapp to turn high priced NFTs into be collectively owned at affordable prices. They are continuing to experiment in fractionalized governance in one of the more crypto-native and innovative ecosystems that NounsDAO. This is an exciting time in collective ownership and governance and the DAOge should be a part of that.
4. Timeline
We can buy the nounlet ASAP upon approval.
5. Other Thoughts
Buying a nounlet wouldn’t only be for the culture, but to support fractionalized NFT governance (and possibly being able to vote on Nouns proposals ourselves). If we purchase the nounlet, we can campaign to become the first dog to sit on nouns governance.
If we can’t become a delegate, we keep the meme going and fractionalize the nounlet and drop them to our pixel holders as a future pixel perk.
Nounlet #69 here -
Medium article here -
website here -