Neiro IP Proposal

THIS POST MAY BE EDITED AS A RESULT OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FEEDBACK before the voting date of 20th January 2025. All language here constitutes a layman’s understanding of any listed proposals.

Last year, Atsuko added a new member to her family, Neiro. Immediately, many unofficial tokens were created to monetize on Neiro’s story and image.

As a DAO, we have a strong relationship with Atsuko and have always made it our goal to give her the recognition and benefits she deserves from the cultural phenomena she has created. This involves preventing bad actors from taking advantage of her.

To do this, we plan to use the Neiro IP, owned by our DAO, to give her rightful control of her brand and any accompanying revenue streams. However, litigation can be framed as anti-decentralisation and result in mob harassment. To avoid this, we have sought to come to a deal with the existing Neiro communities.

Below we present four possible options for our path forward. Each point has been summarised and exact agreements will be finalized by the team after the vote has concluded. These points have been carefully considered and curated through conversations between our council and the teams of the different Neiros. If a Neiro token is not listed here, they have failed to come to any sort of agreement with us and do not wish to support Atsuko.

The winner of this vote will receive a full, exclusive license to the Neiro IP until 1st February 2027, at which point it will be renegotiated. They will also receive acknowledgement of the deal from Atsuko, pending her agreement.

The snapshot for this vote will take place on 20th January 2025, when the vote goes live. Please note that Solana DOG is not compatible with snapshot voting.

  1. NeiroWoof / “Bropump” - CA: CTg3ZgYx79zrE1MteDVkmkcGniiFrK1hJ6yiabropump

The market cap is $2.3million at time of writing.
This token is extremely community focused and driven, and are offering the following:

  • 7% supply of their token (funded by community donations);

  • to build a charity app for us;

  • full support from their community and team collaboration in all endeavours.

  1. NeiroCTO - CA: 0x812Ba41e071C7b7fA4EBcFB62dF5F45f6fA853Ee

The market cap is $346.6million at time of writing.

This token is very well established in the space and are offering the following:

  • To immediately purchase (if not done already) and lock 1% of the supply of DOG for the duration of this agreement;

  • To purchase and lock, for the above duration, an additional 1% before 31st December 2025; and another 1% before 30th June 2026.

  • 20% of all commercial revenue - for example, from merch, NFTs etc. - to be sent 50/50 to OTD and Atsuko.

  • $50k to OTD for a doge day sponsorship and license to use Kabosu in advertising and content.

  • Support with marketing connections.

  1. We will launch our own, official Neiro token.

  1. Do nothing.

Please use the comments below this to share your opinions. IF you are a community representative of one of the above Neiros, you may expand on what you are offering in the comments.


Thanks for the discussion Path. Just to expand on this.

7% of supply would be purchased on open market and community donations going to the Atsuko wallet we created. This would then be the decision of Atsuko as she has final veto rights after reviewing our tokens ethos, organics and beliefs.

Beauty of having a low MC. At 100x that represents millions on 990m supply. But of course. Everyone had to buy their bag and we’ve never as a community given supply to KOLs or unfair access to exchanges that see only short term profit.

Our goal is billions. At billions the supply is worth more than the current MC of $DOG. The organics of decentralised tokens is what makes crypto currency great and Solana has proven no need for a T1 to reach such heights, with Popcat, Wif and many others achieving such a height without any T1. We would not want a T1 to have more power over the Neiro narrative than $DOG or $NEIRO community members. We are the only Neiro on the market that can proudly claim we have no “top 10 wallets hold 70%+ of supply”. This would mean that a cex would own Neiro and not the people or $DOG and $NEIRO community members. This is a community meme token after all!

This is why we stick to the core ethos of DOGE, organic, fair and free buy in, permissionless and a heavy focus on the power of the DEX not the CEX. Our token did $1.8B in volume in a few weeks all on Dex.

As the token has the most organic supply on the market with everyone buying their own bag. This is the way to fairly integrate Neiro bropump token into the $DOG treasury. We would also encourage dog holders to take a stake also at this low MC entry, on Solana. Things change very fast.

With our merch store 20% of profits can be matched. At this time the store runs as non-profit, community focused. But we think that profits on IP are better to come from OTD themselves.

We’re also more interested in OTD having the ability to produce product and revenue from the IP and see Neiro bropump community as the loudest and most organic marketing force for such an endeavour. We’re by far the most participating and influential Neiro community on X and in the current OTD forums and TG.

We would like to offer a warm welcome to OTD and $DOG holders to join our community and become part of our decentralised governance model. There is no team, there are just good people like DOGE. This makes the token anti fragile to people leaving. More good people remain to push a good mission.

We as the bropump Neiro community have always stood for strong morals in a meme tokens ethos, we fight for transparency and community ownership. This honors the DOGE way. As well as our efforts to promote charity, we see promotions of charity as the promotion on the charities themselves and not the token itself.

Although we cannot compete on short term money and access. We can compete on potential upside on returns, long term benefits and by being known as the “pure” Neiro token by many. To taint the Neiro narrative by cutting corners and giving supply away to centralised exchanges. Would be to devalue the great traditions DOGE made “dogely”.

We promote Neiro herself and our “smiley Shiba” logo has been seen on Japanese TV. Our goal? To make neiro the dog seen by all and for mass media to know Neiro for who she really is! The smiley Shiba!

Thanks! :facepunch::fuelpump:


Thanks Path, to add context to number 1 Neiro (Bropump) the NFT platform is here.

The Future of philanthropy:

We also would like to note that as the lowest market cap Neiro we are also the most vocal and community driven, with this comes a huge support network that can co exist with $DOG holders.

Also at 2 mill market cap gives a fair entry for all Dog holders and Neiro lovers, which can give huge returns to DOG holders. Rather than buying a higher priced coin with more downside it is much safer to enter a low lower priced coin with a strong community.

We also offer up all socials to OTD so they can help push the narrative of Neiro as they see fit and that aligns with Atsuko.

We are excited to be working with all $DOG holders and Atsuko in the future.

Neiro Bropump- solana


We’re in this for the long haul. Neiro Bropump and $DOG holders? That’s a lifetime bond, not some short-term fling.

This is about real community power supporting each other, funding awesome projects, and building something that lasts. Forget the whales and exchanges; we’re here for the people.

Yeah, we’ve faced challenges, but that just means we’re primed for a comeback. The chart? Oversold. The community? Fired up. Now’s your chance to join the ride.

Belief is our fuel, and the community is our engine. Let’s make Neiro the smiley Shiba everyone loves and aim for greatness together!

Bropump for life :facepunch:t2::fuelpump::dog2:


Wow ! 7% of #Bropump supply means…

each $100m mcap = ~$7m in tokens values…

Let’s do a little math of Mcap progression versus tokens value:

$100m mcap = ~ $7m bag
$200m mcap = ~ $14m
$300m mcap = ~ $21m

$1bi mcap = ~ $70m :exploding_head:

How much good everyday can we do together :star_struck::star_struck:

#bropump proposal is clearly a no brainer !

Of course, outside the fact this is a community token with real people willing to put the work and collaborate for life! :facepunch::fuelpump:


We’re in it for the long term. A win for Neiro bropump is a win for $DOG holders and doge. This is a lifetime agreement. Not short term thinking.

As we the community see Own the Doge as the best people for using IP for great dogely things and the Neiro bropump community believe in community first. It is in both our interests that Own the doge can fund great neiro IP initiatives and be part of our collective journey!

We would rather give supply that community donated to Atsuko and Own the doge and not exchanges and a few whales!

If Neiro and Doge are together. The communities must be bonded for life.

To any DOG community members. Our chart was suppressed with many losing millions to do so. Thankfully this provided us an opportunity of being “oversold” like GME.

Your chance to join us at this low MC is now!

This cycle has proven. Community is the power. Belief is the fuel. And X is the way to promote! We’re loud, that is the marketing, we’re pure, that is the goal and we’re ready to push for $101B and make Neiro known as the smiley Shiba everywhere!


I’ve been a holder and supporter of Bropump for 6+ months.

Looking at this from a completely impartial and objective manner, Bropump is the clear winner in all 3 categories that are important:

Financially - BroPump offers much more as presented by @broponke

Community - This speaks for itself. Bropump community is much stronger, louder and resilient than any other Neiro. This is imperative for the success of Neiro in the long term.

Values - Again, this speaks for itself. Bropump is aligned with Doge. A 100% community driven and decentralized entity.


Good evening Path, and OTD community,

I’m currently writing this while doing some cardio at the gym on mobile so bear with me.

It sounds like Neiro CTO is extremely serious on a growing partnership with OTD. The support to continue buying and locking supply over 3 years, revenue share from any merch to OTD and Atsuko, and a partial license to market Kabosu as well it’s clear that we support the $DOG LFD!

Insane proposal.

I’m excited to embark on the IP meta with OTD and grow together in this upcoming bull run.

I believe that it will be beneficial to hold the IP as we’ve seen with the launch of Soneium earlier! So let’s continue to do only good everyday and make some noise this bull cycle.

If anyone has any questions please ask away or reach me on tg, x, or Reddit

Much love, LFD, just DOge it,

Michael :yellow_heart:


I’ve been a holder and believer in Neiro Bropump since maybe day 3 - through all of the ups and downs. Obviously, I think that bropump fits the criteria best for reasons mentioned above but also obviously my opinion is biased. Despite what comes of this, thank you OTD - we’ve faced a lot of adversity over the past months and just being recognised at this level means the world. The idea of Atsuko herself recognising us is difficult to comprehend - for now, I’m just happy that the underdog is getting its day. Community matters. Purity matters. Decentralisation matters. Most of all, Neiro herself matters. Thanks again!


Hopefully the voting will be fair and transparent.


What A Wonderfully Good Proposal.
Thank You Path & The Own The Doge Team!

The Smiling Shiba Sisters Side By Side! Woof.


First of all thanks for everyone for giving their ideas and working on the proposal. Glad to see that so many participated.

I have a question regarding the 1st proposal of NeiroWoof. What will be done with the 7% supply of their token. Will it be airdropped to DOG holders?


I want to emphasize the importance of fair and transparent voting for both communities, where decisions are guided by collective values and not influenced by financial power.

This partnership is about trust, collaboration, and shared vision not money. By ensuring fairness, we can move forward in a way that truly benefits everyone.



Thank you Path for the clarity moving forward.
It has been a wild and passionate ride, from Inception leading us to this very day at #bropump.

During this journey I have made friends from all over the world that I can truly call family at this point as we shared the true passion of guarding the legacy of Kabosu and Atsuko.

This bond has truly been unique and beautiful.

We are everyday people that stood for truth and integrity in a space where these qualities are often overlooked and laughed at for quick gains.

We have nothing but pure passion, love, loyalty, integrity and all the purest intentions of making this space a better place and by extension the world a better place.

Together we can really achieve wonders and lead as an exemplary force of good endeavours!

To my #Bropump fam, thank you for giving me an opportunity to serve with you for I was able to learn a lot about myself that has forever added value to my life. We have endured and truly thrived by all that was sent to test us and we have proven to ourselves that we can withstand any storm by staying together!

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all the Dog holders and all the good people in the world to join us in keeping the legacy of Kabosu and Atsuko blossoming with smiles everyday!

Love you all, blessed we are with the


The smile stays on!


Realistic price production for Neiro in my opinion this bull run is around 20-99.99B++worst case I’d say Neiro will get to 20b in a situation where the bull run ends early or something really bad effects the market If WIF got to almost 5b then we can easily triple that at the minimum @ this market cap 7% is insane! We should easily be a top 2 meme after doge is Neiro community. As many people hype up Spx and giga this cycle I think x might lean more towards this narrative, but the broader public will love Neiro and pick Neiro over everything that’s new. Sister of doge is programmed you can’t mess with that and with the community, mission, back story and ca ending with bro pump there isn’t a token an alive that has these fundamentals tbh. We are not just the sister of doge we started off as that and have now become so much more I’m truly happy everything happened the way it did especially all the bad stuff that we went through this has only made the project way more bullish and we have earned the respect of everyone no on say nothing to us we ticked all the boxes and it happened naturally, decentralized & very unorganized. Guardians of the legacy not only by name but most importantly by action. Our number one goal above financial gain is to protect the name of doge, Kabosumama and protect the name of neiro and to make sure everything is done purely with good intentions. (Very protective) we might not have all the money in the world at the start to give to you but let me tell you when it comes to soldiers that won’t sleep and keep grinding without pay just for the love of mission and community/narrative this is priceless and in my opinion a lethal weapon that can be used to do so much moving forward. Imagine having company full of die-hard workers working day and night and they haven’t even got paid yet? Where do you find that? Especially these days we’re money is in control of everything and almost everyone it’s sad but it’s the truth, Neiro will send the biggest message to the system. A message that needed to be sent a very long time ago, but no one has been able to complete this task, we will. We offer “the everyone must win” concept this is the token that will turn the poor into the rich but only if they believe and can hold on you must love the dog very deeply and love the community and the mission to have this sort of conviction although once spend a little time going through our history and looking at we are doing every day this actually becomes very easy this token has a lot of diamond hands a lot of believers.


It would go to the Atsuko wallet we created a while ago and then go towards the $DOG treasury if that is the choosing of the $DOg community.

After all Atsuko has final veto rights. And the dao can also decide.

We hope this bonds the two communities for the long term upside and growth of both projects.

Outside of this gesture the community at Neiro bropump on Solana would obviously support any charity movements, projects or otherwise from the community directly. It’s the people’s choice after all. If there’s some way we can help out the community will. Always shown up and participated in full when needed.


All I ask is your the voting process to be open and transparent. As of now I understand Neiro CTO with their treasury sold their own token to by $DOG tokens before the vote announcement. I ask that these tokens should not be eligible for voting as that would negate any true decentralised outcome. What I am proposing rather is a snapshot from before the IP announcement date be taken and only $DOG holders from before that date that means both communities would not be allowed to vote on the matter if they were not $DOG holder previously therefore allowing for full trust and transparency in the outcome and not a game of who buys the vote wins. This is inline with DOGE values. I would appreciate this being done in the name of fairness and let the $DOG community decide the future of the IP rights. Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!


I feel like the most economically beneficial choice for $Dog holders is to pick launching their own coin since that means they capture 100% of the upside instead of that money going to another community.

But the obvious cons of this choice is dilation and having ownthedoge team be responsible for marketing multiple coins which is difficult.

Neiro communities already proved they have a slight better advantage at marketing vs ownthedoge so the IP in multiple diverse teams hands might lead to better outcomes for all.

TLDR $dog launching their own means more money for the DAO and $dog holders but also means we’re losing the other Neiro communities that might otherwise help the community grow. So it’s a tough choice.

That is why the term “strategic investment” was referred to for Neiro bropump (the only Neiro on Solana, with 2 fighting it out for LP on ETH), at $1.2m it was suggested, at $2.4m it was suggested and now at $5m it is suggested. The DAO could buy up supply for its own use at a fair value and put that towards initiatives for Neiro (becoming part of the token itself), furthering the organic nature of the token. Owning too much of supply is actually BAD for a meme token, you want to own enough that is ‘fair’ so that everyone feels they got a ‘fair go’ and works for their bags, otherwise people just don’t bother to even turn up and believe in something.

Also the decentralised governance means OTD members and community can join and become admins, ‘team’ members if they choose at any stage. It’s similar to DOGE, people can move in and out, there’s no centralised ‘team’.

It’s also the only Neiro where supply is so disorganised and distributed, with 91% diamond hands, top 10 wallets hold less than 10%, top 10 wallets on both Neiro ETH projects hold over 70%, meaning OTD and $DOG members can own a ‘fair’ share on Solana as the token stuck to organic! Went through massive dips and built community/people FIRST. This was what crypto was made for after all? Buy in, or mine in, certainly the tools to own all the supply were not prevalent when DOGE or BTC launched.

Just some thoughts, a new token would take a hell of a push and lose most of the the community that is needed, considering the cheapest Neiro is also the most active in raiding, participation, the choice might be obvious, in a believers cycle after all.


As a supporter and member of NeiroWoof Bropump community, the Neiro IP vote is a pivotal moment and I commend the team for their diligent efforts to protect Atsuko’s legacy while fostering decentralization.

While NeiroCTO has presented a proposal that, at first glance, seems generous. However, it’s important to critically examine its implications:

Supply Manipulation for Votes:
The plan to purchase DOG tokens for locking feels more like a calculated move to control the voting process rather than genuine community support. This raises questions about decentralization.

Offering Without Contribution:
NeiroCTO seems to prioritize monetary offers, yet it neglects to acknowledge the core value Neiro brings to the ecosystem. Neiro is not merely a brand to be monetized—it’s a story, a culture, and a community. The lack of focus on Atsuko’s creative or any offering of Neiro tokens to the original creator Atsuko, undermines the very foundation of the Neiro IP.

I do have concerns about the Dog snapshot being taken for voting. To safeguard the integrity of this vote, the DAO must address potential vulnerabilities in the process.

Snapshot Timing:
A snapshot should be taken before the Neiro IP announcement to prevent opportunistic buying of DOG tokens solely for voting power. This ensures that long-term supporters have a fair say.

Thank you for giving us this opportunity to discuss and raise our concerns.

Belief is our fuel, and the community is our engine. Let’s make Neiro the smiley Shiba everyone loves and aim for greatness together!

Bropump for life :facepunch::fuelpump: