A battle-royale style webgame to generate extra income for the DAOge.
The Sweet Potato team would like to create a web game that burns $DOG and generates income for the DAOge. This is achieved by selling NFT tickets to players, then deplete said tickets to pick winners for grand prizes. For example, selling (virtual) sweet potatoes to everyone, then letting Kabosu to feast on them to reveal gold nuggets inside.
The game will be hosted as an extra feature on the pixel portal. Pixel holders will receive extra perks based on which region of the doge map their pixels are located in.
To make it more fun instead of a buy-and-forget lottery, players will have certain control over their NFTs, like placing them near or away from Kabosu. The NFTs will be tradable too, so the DAOge will be able to earn royalties from them.
This game system will be reusable so the DAOge can use it to host multiple events for different occasions.
The first ideation of the game can be found here:
The Sweet Potato Paradise
We are currently adjusting the design for compliance reasons e.g. introducing level-up and battle related rules, removing luck factors.
The Sweet Potato team should discuss with OtD core team members for goals to achieve and other details of the game, then deliver a fully functional game within 3 months after the pilgrimage.
- Sponsorship to doge pilgrimage (50% x2 team members)
Production Requirements
The below requirements are drafted based on the first ideation for a rough idea of how much work has to be done. As the basic game rules get altered during the design process, requirements may change.
- Frontend (website)
- About page
- Sweet potato cart - the NFT vendor/minter
- Doge Map - an overlay of pixel portal, including information of each region, like how many potatoes are there
- My potatoes - check status of potatoes owned by me, level up potatoes
- Art assets
- Game related art assets, e.g. map, Kabosu, sweet potatoes in different states
- Other UI elements e.g. buttons
- Smart contracts
- Mint contract that accepts payment on Eth mainnet and NFTs minted on Polygon
- On-chain verifiable randomization of NFT metadata updating
Risk and Challenges
The Sweet Potato team has game dev experience (Unity) but is new to web game development. Depending on the process, external vendors might be needed and another grant will be required.
To comply with laws of different countries, game rules and presentation are subject to change vastly, for example the removal of certain randomization factors, that would include new features to develop.