Everyone must win!!! This is our mission!!! Thank you brother! Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone!
So, what you can’t tolerate is harassment? Ridiculous. The only argument you seem to rely on is this flimsy excuse. Your project has reached a billion-dollar market cap, and all you care about is that someone on the internet insulted you?
And why is all this anger and indignation surfacing only now? By your own logic, everything you’ve said about us is also pure speculation, with no concrete proof to back it up 100%. So, “That’s not okay”.
Could it be that deep down, you know what we’re saying is true? Are you afraid that someone with influence might finally realize it and decide to support us? That’s what really scares you, because you know that, in that case, the dominance of your project would be seriously challenged…
Forget this, there’s no point going back and forth with this commentator, they’ve come
In using bad faith. As shown above. They used an alt account just to create a post engaged in causing controversy.
Just move on.
Of course, I understood, brother. I don’t plan to take this any further, but I replied because I had a couple of things to say and took the opportunity
This statement is simply not true. Acting as if you were saints is misleading. During that time, you were engaged in back-and-forth conflicts with the other ETH Neiro, essentially attacking them. Your fight only ceased shortly after you received the Binance listing. Please, if you’re going to make statements, be honest. I’m not here to argue or spread negativity on this forum, so I won’t respond to any replies, but please ensure your statements are factual because acting like you guys were angels is truly misleading.
And to add, although the Bropump community hasn’t always handled things in the best way, the frustration is understandable. Being the only fair-launched Neiro and having the community we had, only to watch three other Neiros, which weren’t launched fairly, try to hijack the narrative and even claim to be the REAL Neiro, was very frustrating. Everyone claims to be upholding the spirit of Dogecoin, but Dogecoin was based on decentralization and community. Not bundled snipes, not a Chinese or Turkish team using connections to get listed on CEXs, or using KOLs to influence the market. Dogecoin was pure, community-driven, and the only Neiro to uphold those values is the Bropump community.
Granted, none of us had the right to use “Neiro” without the permission of Atsuko. However, we are the only ones who never paid any KOLs, the only ones who are truly community-driven, and we’ve created memes that even you guys use. This is not me attacking you; this is me just stating facts.
I hope this clarifies the situation and helps maintain an honest dialogue.
Highlighting the truth is not attacking anyone. The truth is bigger than any individual.
If you truly care about community, then you would understand why we consistently
highlight the truth; To protect the integrity and soul of the original Neiro community.
To protect the integrity and likeness of Kabosu-chan, Neiro-chan, and Atsuko-san.
. orb °
You are entirely correct, if everything that bropump attacks with is the truth.
Your community immediately assumes:
Whales investing = Cabal
KOL promoting = Paid scammers
Charity posts = Selfish initiatives
While at the same time, people can’t even say anything on X about either of the ETH Neiros without getting attacked by someone from bropump and you seem to think that is moral and just behavior.
I was really considering to ignore this forum since its becoming foolish with this back and forth. I understand your mission to bring ‘good’ to the space and I am happy when people are conscious of this, and this goes along with exposing ruggers and scams. But this constant battle you have against both ETH Neiro’s comes across just as selfish as the accusations you are consistently throwing out.
Along with the reflective collage of Your Cabal whales,paid Kol scammers, binance insiders and billionaires that I attached in one my posts above.
Here is a screenshot from your charity donation website in reply to your "Charity posts = Selfish lnitiatives’’ quite evidently used as a marketing tool.
I can feel a change in your messaging. It’s gone from “against Neiro CTO” to “ETH Neiros”.
No. It’s against cabal aligned projects with questionable intentions and obvious factual information.
Just wanted to note that. We’re anti cabal. Pro community. What do both Neiro on ETH have? Cabal links with questionable decisions and histories, when I posted the Justin Sun PVP information above. It was simply passed over as “fud”. Of course. It always is. When we ask how you get Binance Pay in the first week. When projects years old with more holders and a lot more volume have never gotten this. The answer? It’s “I dunno, everything’s free”. When 3 market makers publicly say they’re investing it’s “hype” yet other projects. Again with much more volume and interest have none. Or when right after the Justin Sun push. A partnership with baby doge and sundog emerges. Marketing begins and pairs targeting the Turkish market open almost immediately.
There’s so many questions a market participant may ask and simply everyone of them is “fud” aka, “don’t ask that”. And these ones above. Just a small few of so many links.
Don’t change the goal posts. Our ideals don’t change. The information we receive does though.
You spent months hating on Neiro ETH publicly for being a “cabal” pushed your messaging as “anti cabal” then leveraged the messaging’s success to hide cabal aligned information.
And both the biggest accounts and billionaires who you have joked very publicly on X about being a “cabal” as well as your leader. The people with such power almost gloated about the decline of one cabal on ETH and the rise of another, albeit, a bigger one.
Yup, and that’s my whole point.
This anger and frustration of mine didn’t just surface recently; it’s been building up for a long time. I’ve remained relatively passive and calm until now, even before OTD got involved. What really irritates me is that BroPump believes being the first to launch on any blockchain gives them the right to be extremely toxic towards others. They falsely claim others are stealing their narrative. Everyone had their own fair shot to make something meaningful and build around the narrative. When OTD wanted to discuss the IP, BroPump suddenly changed their position, started glazing over everything, and outright denied the accusations about their group throwing mud on everyone for months.
They even trashed people who once supported them, only for those people to realize how sad and cringe their actions are. Then they turned around and begged people to come back. One great example.
Crazy to see these people this obssesed.
They still bring up market cap and make comparisons, which begs the question: is this really what it’s all about? “Why are X, Y, and Z at a higher market cap than them? Why them and not us?” It’s insane, just insane. They keep mentioning irrelevant things. The fact is, while they were busy PvPing and not accomplishing anything meaningful in their group, NeiroCTO was grinding 24/7 on a separate chain. They can’t prove the accusations they come up with because there’s no solid, tangible evidence, only speculation and assumptions. Speculations and assumptions are fine, but trying to smear false narratives into people’s faces with nonstop, baseless FUD is not the way to go. It’s disgusting.
Defido, bad faith. When will you stop playing the victim? The actions of you and your group are the only reason why BroPump has bad faith. Don’t try to spin it around and blame other people.
I already explained that I made a new account for my phone because I didn’t expect to use the threads much. One account was for my PC, and when I was on my phone, I casually created a new account since I was locked out of the email I use on the PC. So why are you trying to stir things up? But yes, I’ve fixed that now, and I only use this account.
As for the BroPump group, almost all of you are involved in efforts to take down NeiroCTO. Statements like “We must take them down,” “We are the first,” “Why them and not us?” “We must win,” “But we have BroPump in CA…?” “But we are on Solana.” “Decentralized fairly distributed” are common. NeiroCTO is also a fairly decentralized and distributed token, first on its chain, Ethereum. Yes, there is another Neiro coin on the same block; nobody is denying that. It has the exact same block timestamp, which is considered to be launched at the exact same time. Ask around for yourself. You guys are 5-30 people, 24/7, trying to find anything to smear on others. Until proven otherwise, your claims about bubble maps from Binance are completely out of the picture, and the people spreading this narrative clearly lack knowledge and experience. In other words, you’re incentivizing PvP, which inevitably leads to mud-slinging and trying to discredit your opponents. Every Neiro has had their fair shot to make something useful.
Neiro BroPump was hyped and jeeted the same day. They have been nagging since then that they should have success just because they were first. Not sustainable. NeiroSOL was bundled, also hyped and jeeted the same day. They have not nagged; people lost money, people jeeted, rugged, and moved on. NeiroETH was also hyped, bundled, hyped, and jeeted after some weeks. They did not nag; people lost money, people jeeted, rugged, and moved on. NeiroCTO was not initially hyped. It was fairly launched with a fairly distributed supply. Anyone could literally buy any amount at any given moment. They got rugged by the deployer, so the community brought life back to the project and kept grinding, while Neiro BroPump was still actively PvPing every single Neiro.
What’s obvious to me is bropumps are just incredibly upset and refuse to admit that they have been doing this to themselfs by using very nasty tactics since day one without providing anything meaningful and thoughtful to the space. Explains alot why they have the urge to try and find literally anything to tear down others. That’s in my humble opinion, square-minded people doing nasty things for months and months and failing to acknowledge that their actions are the sole reason they were not chosen. Do not spin the narratives around and try to blame others for your own actions!
There’s a lot of proof about their disgusting behavior. I don’t want to flood these forums with things that shouldn’t even be discussed here, but since they keep bringing up irrelevant things to this thread, here are a few examples as they requested.
@Honest ^^
Thanks for showing that we are consistent in calling out the cabal, scammers and people who grift from project to project dumping on their followers.
BTW Sol princess in your first screenshot, grifted on all 4 neiros publicly admitting that she made money on all 4 projects and thats how you play…
Yeah those were the days. Where she was adding support publicly. Then flipping with whatever group gave her supply. First neiro sol, then Neiro ETH, then Neiro CTO. She dumped all of those bags. All whilst gloating about “good luck staying above $10m” as wallets funded from Binance lost hundreds of thousands of dollars suppressing every run on the bropump chart.
Those were the good old days. Only 7 days ago a wallet funded and lost $50,000 just to stop the run at $7m.
They’ve never wanted us to succeed. Yet in community building and purpose we always have. Go figure.
Let’s stop the theatrics please.
Neiro CTO is and was extremely anti Neiro ETH because it was a “cabal”. Yet when anyone, and I mean anyone from any project or not says “Neiro CTO seem to be a cabal” a complete meltdown ensues.
You hate Neiro ETH because it’s a “cabal”. You hate bropump because it’s a real community token and not a cabal. Yet I’ve seen both Neiro ETH and Neiro bropump be called a “scam” and “toxic” by Neiro CTO side. Including the leaders and team members. What really seems to be the issue is just a rejection of the facts and the truth, not who it comes from, just that it exists at all and people are prepared to stand up against it.
The fact is, the bropump community is not profit driven, is and always has been, much louder, and therefore when we turn up, people notice. A community having a target on its back because it’s loud is bullish. Shows genuine value.
And the Neiro ETH side. Well it’s a cabal, with people we all know and the same KOLs. But they don’t hide it. Therefore they also get attacked by Neiro CTO.
There’s just an extreme level of irony there.
I would love to hear from the Neiro ETH people
It doesn’t give you the right to gang up on a woman, especially in public, and call her a wh0re!? Where are your morals??? You guys have completely lost your minds, LMAO.
I’m truly sad for those in your group who might be humble people, though I doubt there are any, for obvious reasons. Sadly, they are likely influenced by a handful of haters playing the victim card.
“Cabal this, cabal that.” You guys have completely lost your minds.
SolPrincess supports a number of meme tokens she likes. Essentially, she provides liquidity here and there, and publicly tweets/shills about it, using her own money (unless proven otherwise). Are you now accusing her of getting “airdropped” tokens to “falsely mislead people into thinking she is supporting the community”?
You guys keep accusing people over and over without providing 100% concrete proof.
SolPrincess made money on all four Neiros, and that’s none of our business. However, she is still bullish on one Neiro. Anyway, that’s not the point. No matter what I say, it somehow flies right over your heads.
As for neiroETH, well obviously. It’s 100% factual and proven that they are heavily controlling the supply, even before they admitted it themselves. When you can provide 1000000% irrefutable proof, it holds significant weight. Nobody is hating on BroPump. Who cares about BroPump? LOL. You have the freedom to do whatever you want. I’m just exposing your true colors to the broader public. The BroPump community doesn’t even seem to understand what it’s all about. It doesn’t take rocket science to see through your tactics of misleading people by spinning narratives and avoiding accountability.
In the screenshot. The only person I see saying the word you describe is SOL princess herself.
In fact most of the replies from bropump people seem to be quite supportive and nice. Yet she’s calling them “#brodump” and “gay” in return. She quotes the word “wh**e”
What exactly is the point in this?
It is highlighted that people from bropump seemed to have had quite good restraint when being attacked very publicly by yet another paid KOL.
Oh, come on, man… :DDDD Defido, now is not the time to play victim and innocent. It’s really showing how your insecurity and obsession are projecting all over the place. Throwing away everything and pointing on things quickly.
Do you perhaps have any idea why she would say that towards you guys?
Your not fooling anyone, you know that right?
Yeah cause we called her out publicly for adding and removing $200,000 in liquidity (which she made dumping her allocation of Neiro solana), taking supply from multiple Neiro projects and being caught dumping those on her followers, dumping the chart of every Neiro onto her holders and using the community as her exit liquidity.
There’s no apology for that. There never will be. And in return, from your screenshot. People still tried to give her some level of respect.
We have absolutely no issue talking all the truths in these situations. Notice we can always answer them.