Neiro IP Discussion

Hey Honest,

I know you are trying to defend Neiro CTO against the baseless accusation that has been thrown around. I think for the people that had been with Neiro CTO from the the beginning has seen what the truth is and what good we have done.

We dont need any more PVP, especially not on OTD forum.

Lets talk about ideas on how we can work together on Neiro CTO and OTD community by continue to do what we have always done. By being good. Multiple the positivity together.


Agreed. No harm intended, wanted to stand up for myself and my community, counter-reply, highlighting key-points for the others that was not around from back then :+1:


Thank you for stepping in, I thought @PointlessThread might stop once they accidentally commented on their alt @honest. Now we can move on. :handshake:


I’m really disappointed with what this forum is becoming. If the above conversations were held on an X space with @tridog @Smoke or any admins of the OTD account they would shut it down immediately. This is not a place to attack one another but to discuss the Neiro IP and how it should be used most beneficially. Maybe we all started off on the wrong foot but this has been brought up multiple times and yet continues to happen. We have an IP coin in our hands, a golden egg, yet we fight like children over “he said this!” And “well he said that!”. Who Cares!

@Honest there is no point in putting screenshots of X on here, keep that on X and start a thread there if you really want to discuss PvP or who is and isn’t a cabal. What are your thoughts on the Neiro IP? Have you put any effort into thinking what you’d do with it or is your energy dedicated to belittling BroPump?

Share with us what your vision for the Neiro IP is. Let me help you out, since charity donations are a major part of your community’s outreach, from what I’ve gathered reading this forum, perhaps you can come together with @defido to propose ideas related to that.

I wish you would post something related to the Neiro IP but as I’ve scrolled posts from your accounts @Honest and @PointlessThread and found none. (btw I don’t think this is a pointless thread, as your name implies, that’s quite disrespectful to @tridog and undermines the effort put into creating this space for meaningful discussion. A bit of acknowledgment or even an apology to @tridog might go a long way.)


Didn’t you say you were done engaging, Defido? Why waste energy on this guy’s opinions they’re meaningless noise! The IP isn’t going to the “cleaner side” (the faultless crew), that’s already been made clear. At this rate, it probably won’t go to anyone if these pointless debates keep dragging on. Time to wake up and focus, friends.


Exactly, the ‘cleaner’ side is not the discussion here tbh. All this forum has successfully done is highlight what happens when you force this “people” vs “money” dynamic into a funnel and end up with a situation of the people having to “prove” themselves, because the money isn’t efficiently similar, therefore the negotiating table isn’t even (in the short term). The tables were and never are even in “people” vs “money” dynamics. In the end it’s either ‘a cult of reason’, or a ‘cult of returns’ and the decision shapes what Neiro is going forward. In relation to the DOGE dynamic. Anything anyone needed to know where they align on the axis has been out in the open for 5 or so months. “mission”, “purpose”, “ideals”, “community”, “history”, does a person or business really need 5 months to decide such an alignment? The answer is no.

In order to affect a vote using the $DOG token, it would take millions of dollars of buy in, from my understanding in the mid 5-8m’s or a bit higher (over 50% of which will be lost to slippage). Or it takes preexisting holders to vote that decide, most of which got in much lower and have an unknown amount of influence. (The same is true for all Neiro tokens)

The point being. Ok you didn’t like any Neiro being launched. But you likely did side with a certain Neiro based on your predefined idea of what you believe is “right” or you leaned towards one based on your individuality and its relation to the legacy of DOGE.

People cannot compete with short term gains, they bring value in the long term. They can only bring their authentic selves and believe in something. They can make an offer and present their purpose and beliefs.

I think what is super clear. Every token has passionate people with belief. Very different beliefs, almost polar opposites of a spectrum. But passionate none the less. Which one is more active? That’s up to everyone’s own interpretation. But a forum is not the place for this. The other thing that is also clear though, is the money and access are also not equal.

The back and forth is just theatrics at this stage. :handshake:


Hey guys, enough! We ended this on good terms, didn’t we? So why bring it up again?

I thought you’d understand that my posts were just counter-replies. Please, don’t twist my words or my identity.

The name “PointlessThread” was never meant to target the organization or the admins. It was simply because the thread was becoming spammy.

Anyway, I’m closing this for good now, as a grown-up.

As for Neiro’s IP vision

Thanks for asking about my thoughts! First off, it’s a huge and fascinating topic, and I’m genuinely excited to share my ideas without being harrased. I want to start by expressing my deep appreciation and respect for everyone in the OTD community and the DAO for creating a space where discussions like this are possible. A huge shout-out to Atsuko Sato, Neiro, and Kabosu for making this journey so special, and I deeply apologize for my past behavior! :sparkling_heart:

One idea I’m really excited about is creating Neiro-themed dog products, food, treats, toys, bowls, the whole package. Of course, the focus would primarily be on Neiro, but for special cases, we could example create a limited edition Neiro toy that customers can customize with their own pets names or pictures, alongside the Neiro art or the Neiro logo. This would allow for a more personal, meaningful connection between our brand and the customers.

We could also consider investing in high quality halal products for the Muslim community, as we would love to reach out to all of our communities!

By leveraging Neiro’s powerful narrative, and with the support of our amazing community, we could build strategic partnerships to create high-quality, innovative products. Over time, we could expand this into a globally recognized brand.

To make this happen, we’d need a Neiro webshop, a dedicated and skilled team, and individuals with the right industry connections. With donations and charity support from the community, we could channel funds into strategic marketing efforts to help grow the brand. As the brand gains traction, we could eventually see our products in reputable pet stores, increasing accessibility and potentially boosting revenue.

Another idea I’ve been excited about for a while now is the creation of Neiro comic books. Imagine high quality, captivating stories featuring Neiro, and maybe even Kabosu, with a cast of other dogs and animals! We could really explore the unique world of Neiro and turn it into an engaging narrative that resonates with fans. Down the line, we could even collaborate with established comic book brands to take this project further.

And just a fun, random thought what if we also produced Neiro-themed car air fresheners? High quality, cute ones, similar to “Wunderbaum,” but with the Neiro branding and unique cents! It could be a quirky yet delightful addition to the brand.

Of course, all revenue generated from the Neiro organization would be fairly divided among all parties involved, based on mutually agreed terms, ensuring that everyone benefits from our collective efforts.

So, what do you think? If any of these ideas have already been discussed, my apologies, I haven’t been able to follow the thread fully due to its current state.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and continuing to grow this incredible vision together.


That’s an awesome idea, this would open up the door to an entire community of people and possibly onboard more fans. I like it.

This is also a really nice idea, there have been many times I couldn’t help but notice a car wash themed air freshener dangling from someone’s rear view mirror. I can already picture it in my head but having the face of a Neiro cutout would surely spike someone’s interest. Also it’s a great example for why the IP matters because putting time into designing and mass producing something like that would be much easier knowing you can’t be DMCAed. Great ideas really :clap:


The way to succeed in crypto is to work together. If you look at the past like Doge, Wif and Bonk these are projects with big communities. But a very important factor is they work together. By copying projects and PvP with the original Neiro the people and marketcap got divided, only a few will prosper from this. But if we all work together believers, normies, traders and anyone else we can build a strong project for many cycles to come. How do we choose the right project to join our forces in? It should be the one that is fairly launched, the supply is equally distributed and preferably it is the one that is launched the first because provenance matters. If members of copy Neiros can set aside their egos and join forces with the original project @Neirowoof we could have one big strong community driven Neiro coin, exactly how the legacy of Doge should be carried forward imo


That would be evidently true as that’s quite evident already. When you factor in it has the lowest mc yet the most active user base? People want to discuss cults. Cults are defined by people that turn up at the bottom. At the bottom, we’ve never not turned up and there’s little to no “when pump” mindset. Which to me classifies actual cult like communities. I also classify it by how people turn up when it matters.

bropump Neiro is also the cheapest, most distributed, and I understand some are here purely just for the money, then you’re just doing your gains all over again. It’s also currently got so much LP to low MC, that if any holder wanted to own 1M $NEIRO, of which only 989 people can even do so it’s $4300 with almost 0 slippage. Technically you can’t be upset that you got a chance to enter under $10m. :face_with_monocle:


NEIRO is built on the belief that provenance tracing and sharing the origins of a creation brings people closer together and heightens trust.

Inspired by the global enthusiasm for the Doge meme, we recognize how a clear record of “where” and “why” transforms crypto culture into a meaningful, enduring community experience.

Provenance isn’t about gatekeeping, it’s an open invitation for everyone to participate and innovate, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of creators and enthusiasts working side by side benefiting Neiro.

By preserving cultural touchstones, promoting transparency for charitable causes, and sparking fresh ideas, NEIRO offers a collaborative, future-focused environment where our leadership can shine. This vision transcends simple documentation, driving genuine connections that help us all grow, thrive, and leave a legacy worth celebrating.

We already have a great community with developers, content creators and creative minds that will definitely show the respect and growth Neiro deserves.

We are NEIROWOOF - BroPump, the first NEIRO on any chain and we invite everyone to help shape a tomorrow defined by trust, creativity, and a deep respect for origins. Together, we’ll build something extraordinary.


That has been our calling from day 1 telling everyone to come join the organic movement by avoiding this whole PvP from the get go!
Neiro just like doge belongs to the people!
Everyone must win #bropump



I am writing this in Japanese first, as a sign of respect for Atsukosan. For all the English speakers, please refer underneath.



NEIRO bropumpは間違いなく、最倧か぀最も情熱的なコミュニティを持っおいる。アップダりンの激しいゞェットコヌスタヌのような冒険の旅だったが、宇宙がタむムラむンを通しお私たちを旅に連れお行っおくれたこずに驚かされた。私たちは決しおPVPに関わりたいずは思っおいたせんでした。しかし、私たちのミヌムやアむデアがあからさたに盗たれただけでなく、クリプトスペヌスで最も明癜な腐敗に盎面し、䞖界に真実を明らかにするために必芁なこずをしなければならない立堎にいるこずに気づきたした。暗号通貚に぀いお䜕も知らない䞀般人が、こうした利己的で吊定的な他人の行為によっお詐欺に遭っおいる。もう十分だった。

圓時、もし私たちがPVPバトルをしなければ、䜕も暎露されるこずはなかったでしょう。䞖間で蚀われおいるような悪意はなかった。䞀郚の人が蚀うような有害なものでもなかった。事実ず真実は決しおこのようなものではない。私たちのメンバヌの䞀人が、圌の投皿が100䞇ビュヌを超えるバむラルになるこずはなかっただろうし、私たちが業界のために粟神的に玔粋なこずをする機䌚を埗るこずもなかっただろう。䜕十億ドルずいう巚額の資金を自圚に操り、勀勉な小垂民たちを締め䞊げようずした者たちの腐敗を、その最たるものたで暎いたのだ。NEIRO Bropumpは小物だが、我々のコミュニティは垞に最も声が倧きい。だからこそ、倧物たちは私たちのメンバヌず真実を述べた圌のバむラル投皿を倧量に報告し、圌のXペヌゞを犁止したのだ。真実ず事実が傷぀くもしそれが事実なら、私はFUDではありたせん。私たちは、䞀般人や投資家を教育するこずは蚱されないのだろうかその芋返りに、私たちは悪意がある、有害だず蚀われるのだろうか䜕かがおかしい。

あ぀こさん、OTDさん、私たちはあなた方の知性を詊すためにここにいるのではありたせん。あなた方は、誰の目にも明らかな事実を芋おいるはずだ。NEIRO Bropumpがなかったら、同じような停の耇補があった他のコむンも、その腐敗が暎露されるこずはなかったでしょう 䟋えば、MOODENG、GIGAなどなど。NEIRO Bropumpが暎露したこずで、暗号空間党䜓がこの件に぀いお話し始めたした。

NEIRO Bropumpのパむオニアず先芋者たちは垞にこう蚀っおいたした これがNEIROだ、ず。すべおのNEIROトヌクンは、KabosuずDOGEの遺産ず粟神を尊重しなければならない。これは䞀攫千金を狙ったものではありたせん 玔粋にDECENTRALISEDな遺産であり、それを守らなければならないのです。圌らは垞に、䜕よりも実瞟が重芁だず抌し通しおきた。

NEIRO bropumpチヌムはその埌、PVEの戊いに身を眮くこずになった。ミヌムず暗号空間が非垞に腐敗し、すべおがお金、バンドル䟛絊、䞭倮集暩化、スナむパヌ、有料KOLなどを䞭心に回っおいたプレむダヌ察環境。暗号通貚が元々目指しおいたもの、そしおそもそも暗号通貚が始たった理由に反するものばかりだった。NEIRO Bropumpの玔粋で勀勉な人々は、平均的なコミュニティ・メンバヌ、家族、友人などから資金を調達したが、䜕のチャンスも䞎えられなかった。玔粋に非䞭倮集暩的な暗号通貚に䜕が起こったのか小金持ちに公平にチャンスを䞎えるこずに䜕が起こったのか

NEIRO Bropumpのマントラは、暗号空間をより良いものに倉えおいくためには、「誰もが勝たなければならない」ずいうものだ。これは真実である。NEIRO Bropumpチヌムの勀勉な個人だけでなく、支払われたKOL、バンドル䟛絊ホルダヌ、腐敗した゚リヌト、Binance、Justin Sun、他のNEIROSなどなど 私たち党員がNEIRO Bropumpを通じお勝利し、倧きなメッセヌゞを瀺し、暗号業界をきっぱりず教育しなければなりたせん。OTDずAtsukosanがNEIRO Bropumpで名誉、真実、そしお粟神的に玔粋なものを遞ぶなら、このようなすべおの吊定的な腐敗行為は二床ず起こっおはならないこずを倧衆に瀺すでしょう。


NEIRO Bropumpは、真のハヌドコアな信者たちによっお飛躍的に成長し続けおいるムヌブメントです。私たちのコむン・アドレスにBropumpがあるだけで、その確率は6億分の1です。星はこのために、そしおそれ以䞊のもののために䞀盎線に䞊んだのです。どのトヌクンにずっおも、これは暗号の神様からの莈り物であり、もちろんマヌケティングの倢でもありたす私はマヌケティング出身です。



たた、他のチェヌンからのマキシによる゜ラナチェヌンぞの差別も倚く芋られたす。ETHのようなコむンがビットコむンなどずPVPバトルを繰り広げおいるのを芋るず、非垞に停善的だ。どのチェヌンにも、珟圚から将来にかけおのナヌスケヌスがある。ADAでさえ、アフリカで独自のナヌスケヌスを持぀だろう。差別はやめ、暗号チェヌンは共存すべきです。倧きな゚ゎを持぀マキシはもういらない。私たちはみな、非䞭倮集暩のために協力し合うのだ。他のNEIROSはNEIRO Bropumpのように分散化されおいたせん。事実はそこにある。

今珟圚、Solana䞊のNEIRO Bropumpの時䟡総額は非垞に有機的であり、もし皆が今このチェヌンを採甚するならば、圌ら党員が共に勝利するこずになる。゜ラヌナは急成長しおいるチェヌンの䞀぀であり、新芏投資家にずっお非垞に参入しやすい。そのチェヌンが倧衆に支持されるためには、犬を飌う必芁はない では、なぜNEIROではないのか差別をなくすこずができる

ずいうわけで、アツコサンに盎談刀。NEIRO Bropumpは垞に、あなたずかがすの遺産を䞀番に考えおいたす。私たちは、かがすがあなたにずっおどれほど倧切な存圚であるかを知っおいたす。NEIROがどれだけ倧切な存圚かも知っおいたす。私たちはこのこずを垞に尊重したす。私たちのコミュニティにずっお、それはお金の問題ではありたせん。それは垞に、暗号空間にずっお正しく、党䜓的に玔粋なこずをするためです。クリプトスペヌスに初めお参加する正盎で勀勉な人が、決しお悪圱響を受けたり、詐欺にあったり、堕萜したりしないようにしたしょう。トンネルの先には光があり、私はNEIROを通しお暗号空間に垌望があるず心から信じおいたす。NEIROが䞖界をより良く倉えるための光のビヌコンになりたしょう。


NEIRO BropumpがDOGホルダヌず共同で䜕ができるのか、話題になっおいる。この詳现に぀いおは、私たちのコミュニティからいずれ発衚されるでしょう。それぱキサむティングなこずであり、我々は良い目的のために協力するこずを楜しみにしおいる。このスレッドで誰かが、NEIROコミュニティがお金を持぀こずが最適だず蚀っおいた。これには同意できない。コミュニティの力、パワヌを持ち、毎日顔を出し、懞呜に働くこずが最も重芁だ。互いのために存圚し、互いの背䞭を抌すこずが最も重芁だ。この情熱がどこに行こうずも、お金は必ず぀いおくる。それが宇宙の法則なのだ。

これで終わりにしよう。AtsukosanずOTD、もう䞀床蚀いたすが、NEIRO Bropumpの知的財産暩に察するあなたの配慮は、暗号空間にメッセヌゞを送るのに圹立぀でしょう。粟神的に玔粋な分散型コミュニティの偎に立぀こずが、これからの暗号通貚で進むべき唯䞀の道なのです。

すべおのNEIROSがNEIRO Bropumpずいう倧矩名分の䞋に支揎するこずは玠晎らしいこずだ。DOGホルダヌず協力しお。そうすれば、未来に向けお、䞖界のために䞀緒に楜しいこずを始めるこずができる。

もしかしたら、䞖界䞭のメンバヌでXの24時間ラむブストリヌミングができるかもしれない。そうそう、NEIRO Bropumpではこんな楜しいこずを自発的にやっおいたす。





I have been sitting back and observing for quite sometime here in Australia. As it is the festive season of joy, happiness, giving thanks and being blessed by all things positive, I thought it best to write a memento to the group. Firstly, I would like to say congratulations and a big thankyou to OTD and Atsukosan in having the IP rights determined by you as third parties. It is true that all NEIROS have started without the the IP acceptance or consent of Atsukosan herself. As a member of the NEIRO bropump community, I am here to represent why we would be honored as the candidate of choice in the possible future.

There has been much said from all NEIRO camps that I would not like to reiterate too much over and over again. I emplore everyone to just look at the facts, as it is very hard to lie about this. If this was a court of law, the facts shall always remain prevalent.

NEIRO bropump definitely has the largest and most passionate community out there. It has been an up and down roller coaster ride that has been adventurous, but amazing how the universe has taken us on a journey throughout the timelines. We never ever wanted to engage in PVP at all, however we found ourselves in a position where not only our memes and ideas were stolen blatantly, but we were faced amongst the most obvious corruption in the crypto space, that we just had to do what was needed, in order to expose the truth to the world. The average person who knew nothing about crypto currency would be getting scammed by these selfish and negative acts from others, that we had to do something to help. Enough was enough.

At the time, if we had not engaged in a PVP battle, then nothing would have been exposed at all. Nothing was ever malicious on contrary to what people say. Nor were we toxic as some would say. Facts and truth are never these. One of our members would never have had his post go viral with over 1 million views and we would never have had the opportunity to do what was spiritually pure for the industry. Exposing corruption to the finest of those that had mega billions of dollars at their disposal, whom tried to shut down the hardworking little guys. NEIRO Bropump are the little guys, but our community is always the loudest. That is why the big guys mass reported our member and his viral post that stated the truth, in order to ban his X page. The truth and facts hurt? This I not FUD at all if it is the facts. Are we not allowed to educate the everyday person/investor so that they too can not be hurt with corporations using them as exit liquidity? In return we are called malicious and toxic? Something is not right here.

Again Atsukosan and OTD, we are not here to test your intelligence. I am sure you will look at the facts that are there plain to see for everyone. If it was not for NEIRO Bropump, other coins who had similar fake replications, would never have been exposed of the corruption that took place too
 I.E MOODENG, GIGA etc etc. The whole crypto space started talking about this because of what NEIRO Bropump exposed.

I would just like to say, the pioneers and visionaries in NEIRO Bropump always said
 this is NEIRO. All NEIRO tokens must respect the legacy and spirit of Kabosu and DOGE. This is not a get rich quick scheme
 it is a purely DECENTRALISED legacy that must be upheld. They always pushed that provenance matters above all anything else.

NEIRO bropump team then found themselves in a PVE battle. A Player vs Environment, where the meme and crypto space was so corrupt that everything revolved around money, bundled supply, centralisation, snipers, paid KOLs etc etc. Everything against what cryptocurrency originally stood for and why it was started in the first place. The pure hardworking people of NEIRO Bropump, who raised their own funds from average community members, family, friends etc were never given any chance whatsoever. Whatever happened to purely decentralised crypto currency? Whatever happened to giving the small guy a fair go?

The NEIRO Bropump mantra is that 'EVERYONE MUST WIN’, if we are to change the crypto space for the better. Which is true. Not only the hardworking individual of NEIRO Bropump team, but the paid KOLs, Bundled supply holders, corrupt elites, Binance, Justin Sun, other NEIROS etc etc
 We all must win through NEIRO Bropump, to show a loud message and educate the crypto industry once and for all, that this type of replicated corrupt behaviour can not happen in the future for ANY token. If OTD and Atsukosan pick honor, truth and what is spiritually pure in NEIRO Bropump, then it will show the masses that all this negative corrupt behaviour should never happen again.

Rather than myself going over it all again, the facts are there and I would just like to say this.

NEIRO Bropump is a movement that continues to grow exponentially with true hard core believers. Just having Bropump in our coin address is a 1 in 600 million chance of doing so. The stars have aligned for this and much more. For any token, this is a gift from the crypto gods and of course a marketing dream (I come from a marketing background).

I do not believe in setting up a new NEIRO coin to be beneficial for all, as this is one of the major factors along with the strong community. Having Bropump in the coin address. It is a movement as mentioned.

Also voting is a bit concerning. There has been so much fake attacks with manufactured botted posts, followers, volume bots etc etc. How would anyone know that a voting system will be pure and fair
 because it never will.

We have also seen much discrimination towards Solana chain also by maxis from other chains. Which is very hypocritical seeing as coins like ETH have been in PVP battles with Bitcoin and the likes. Every viable chain will have its use case now and into the future. Even ADA will have its own use case in Africa. The discrimination must stop and crypto chains should work side by side. No more maxis with big egos. We all work together for the benefit of DECENTRALISATION. Other NEIROS are not decentralised as NEIRO Bropump is. The facts are there.

Right now the market cap for NEIRO Bropump on Solana is very organic that if everyone were to adopt this chain now, then they would ALL WIN together. Solana is one of the fastest growing chains and very easy for new investors to onboard. It does not have a dog for its chain to be backed by the masses
 so why not NEIRO? It will end the discrimination.

So I speak to Atsukosan directly. NEIRO Bropump will always and only have the best interests of yours and Kabosu’s legacy. We know how dear Kabosu is to you. We know how dear NEIRO is too. We will always respect this. For our community, it is not about money. It has always been about doing what is right and holistically pure for the crypto space. Let the honest hardworking person who is new to the space, never be negatively influenced, scammed or corrupted. There is light at the end of the tunnel and I truly believe there is hope for the crypto space, through NEIRO. Let NEIRO be that beacon of light to help change the world for the better.

A bronze statue was created by one of our members as a sign of respect for Atsukosan and the legacy of Kabosu. It was not flaunted around as a gimmick or promoted heavily. It was there as a gift. You will hear a lot of negative talk about this but it is important to go to the actual source of the person who created it and his passion for the legacy. Here in Australia and New Zealand the Japanese customs are well respected as you would know.

There is much talk of what NEIRO Bropump can collectively do with DOG holders. More of this will be released in due course from our community. It is exciting and we look forward to working together for a good cause. Someone mentioned on this thread that a NEIRO community having money is optimal. This I dis-agree with. Having community strength, power, showing up everyday and working hard is most important. Being there for each other and having each others back, is most important. Money will always follow this passion wherever it goes. It is the law of the universe.

I will end with this. Atsukosan and OTD, again, your consideration in NEIRO Bropump for the IP rights, will help send a message to the crypto space. That standing along side a spiritually pure decentralised community is the only way forward from here on with crypto currency.

It would be amazing if all NEIROS combined would get behind a good cause in NEIRO Bropump. Work intwined with DOG holders. Then we can start doing some fun things together for the world, into the future.

Maybe another 24 hour live stream on X is in the making with all the members around the globe. Oh yes, we do these fun spontaneous things at NEIRO Bropump.

Thankyou for your time.

Positive blessings during this special festive season and New Year 2025 ahead.

One love. Give thanks. Bless


So I was thinking of creating a so called white paper on how to leverage the IP when granted and put it all in a Neiro document as our guideline for doing good everyday

A charity fund for animals, powered entirely by Neiro. But not just as another feel good initiative but a movement. A chance for people to come together pool their resources and create real measurable change for animals in need, It is bold, it is transparent, and above all, it works.

The mission is to help animals from rescuing strays to funding shelters and protecting endangered species, Neiro makes it possible for anyone, anywhere, to get involved. Whether you are giving a lot or the little that you have, every contribution counts. And the best part is, You will always know exactly where your support goes or went.

That’s the beauty and power of Neiro. It is built on trust. Every donation is accounted for and every action visible. You can track your impact, whether it’s feeding animals in shelters, building a shelter and you finance a number of bricks with your Neiro token, covering vet bills, or supporting wildlife conservation. There’s no guesswork, no gray areas just clear, tangible results.

But Neiro is about more than just giving, it is about being part of something bigger. Imagine donating and receiving something meaningful in return, like a unique or one of a kind NFT that tells the story of the animal you helped or the project you supported. Neiro is not just a token of appreciation it’s a badge of honor, a piece of the movement you can share with the world.

Neiro puts the power in the hands of the community. as a holder, you get to vote on what projects to fund next whether it is building a shelter, rescuing a specific group of animals, or protecting wildlife in a particular region. Your voice matters, and together, we decide the future of this movement.

Now, imagine the ripple effect. Neiro has the energy to go viral, with campaigns like “Neiro saves and shelters” lighting up social media. Influencers, celebrities, and partners could rally behind it as a result amplifying the impact. I’m thinking about collaborations with shelters, artists, and gaming communities, all coming together to make this unstoppable, I also saw someone (Doge) in the forum talk about and I quote “how many students have the Lofi Girl] playing in a tab while they study! A livestream with a simple animation of the Neiro dog playfully wandering around with some chill music” this would be awesome.

The possibilities are Endless. think about play to earn games where a portion of the rewards directly helps animals. Or a marketplace where you can “adopt” virtual pets, knowing the proceeds are funding real life care.

And the best part? Neiro is for everyone. It is global, easy to use, and accessible no matter how much you are able to give. Every single token contributes to the mission, proving that together, small actions can drive massive change.

At its core, Neiro is not just a project it is a way to do good, have fun, and build a future that truly matters.

These are a couple of my thoughts about using the IP for doing only good everyday with Neiro at its core.

Bark regards

BroPump community


Thank you for your insight!

I’d appreciate it if you actually looked into these claims which you are talking about.

Defending what we believe in - the ability to build freely in this ecosystem - is not any more selfish than survival is.

This is my last comment on this topic since it has no place here and it’s the fourth time I’ve linked to this post now:

The inflationary way words like “gaslighting” or “bullying” are being used is disappointing, and it’s draining my energy.

I’m not perfect either. But if I insult someone, it’s usually to let out frustration about bad behavior. Not to deflect from that very behavior.

We will keep putting out ideas, the best of memes and strategies, like we have been for the past months, no matter the circumstances.

We didn’t choose to have this rather serious mission, but we had to learn how important education is! So educating is what I personally want to do in the future :paw_prints::fist:t3:

Thank you for your time and enjoy the holidays!


Hi there! I hope you all had a fantastic time with family and friends.

I’m a passionate member of the Bropump community and have had the pleasure of connecting with so many kind-hearted and well-intentioned individuals there.

I’ve noticed that many members of our community have incredible plans for when they achieve success in crypto—helping their families, supporting charities, and giving back to their local communities, among other aspirations.

Today, I want to highlight the amazing work that @Fantoumi is doing. From creating art and children’s books to supporting charitable causes, it’s truly inspiring. Writing books for kids is such a fantastic endeavour, and it’s given me even more purpose in the crypto space.

I’d like to propose that our community come together to support his efforts and initiate a donation drive.

If you’re part of the Bropump community and haven’t come across @Fantoumi yet, I encourage you to check out his work. Much love :heart_eyes::dog2:


Would love to do something with the sock puppet when we can!


To keep the discussion on the Neiro IP I would like top share some more ideas that I’ve been thinking about recently. Considering Atsuko is a kindergarten teacher I think helping children is something that is very important to her, so here are some ideas catering to the little humans of the world.

1. Community Engagement and Mentorship:

  • Mentorship Programs: I propose partnerships with educational institutions or community centers (which i have access to a few in my city) to establish mentorship programs where professionals in the crypto space can educate and inspire young minds about technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, using Neiro and Dog’s story as a case study. $DOG holders could benefit by gaining priority access to exclusive community events or mentorship sessions, enhancing the value of holding $DOG.

2. Support for Children with Disabilities:

  • Special Equipment or Programs: Use Neiro and $Dog’s influence to fund or raise awareness for specialized equipment, like service dogs for autistic children, or programs that help children with disabilities engage with technology, potentially with Neiro/Doge-themed interfaces or tools, maybe even some neuralinks when the time comes lol. Here, $DOG holders could receive special edition NFTs or participate in voting for which projects to fund.

3. Eco-Friendly Projects:

  • Environmental Education: Use Neiro’s IP for projects that focus on teaching kids about sustainability. Perhaps a “Green Neiro” initiative where children can earn tokens by participating in local clean-ups or recycling drives, with proceeds helping environmental projects for kids.

4. Global Classroom Connections:

  • Cultural Exchange: Facilitate connections between schools around the world using Neiro’s platform for virtual exchanges. Children could learn about each other’s cultures, languages, and daily lives, with Neiro tokens used as an incentive for participation or as a medium for cultural projects. $DOG holders could receive benefits through a system where a portion of the tokens used in these educational activities are redistributed to them, promoting a sense of global community and direct benefit from the educational outreach.

3 and 4 are actually my favorite, but yea each initiative will prominently feature Neiro’s IP, ensuring brand recognition. By integrating $DOG into these projects, we not only support children but also enhance the utility of holding $DOG.


Damn, these are great! Love the environmental education :paw_prints: appreciate you Spvce!


These are the kind of brainwaves we desperately are in need of, how can we optimally utilize the IP when obtained and the added value we have and bring as a community

appreciate the efforts of all you guys with all the bright ideas