DAGT fam (DJ Doge, Whitney and The Don) run a fun Twitter Spaces for DogeFam every Friday at 6PM PST. It is a safe place for people to show their talent, vibe with frens and enjoy the wholesome vibes of Doge apart from crypto. They have been doing the same for a period exceeding 69+12 weeks and for the last 6 weeks ownthedoge has provided them with 1 Pixel every week to distribute as prizes to the winners. They have been doing a great job in onboarding new people to the $DOG ecosystem and have requested us to sponsor these Friday fun spaces to continue and grow the fun.
Proposed use of the Pixel grant:
3/5 of the Pixels will be given to the hosts. They will have a minimum of 1 and up to 2 Pixel giveaways per week on average. The 5th floating will be used to cover tx and gas costs as they also send $ETH along with $dog for a seamless minting process to the winners.
Experience and Statistics:
DJ Doge was a radio DJ in his first career. He is currently in e-commerce management, digital advertising/ppc marketing.
The space in its 5-hour span averages about 300 people strolling through to listen, 35-50 speakers and 15-20 performers on average. Around 25% of the listeners are new to Cryptocurrency and NFT space to whom the team profoundly explains the needful. None of the Pixel winners has yet burned them/ swapped out $DOG in the last 8 weeks giving a 100% retention rate.
$DOG equivalent to 10 Pixels will be sent to DJ Doge bi-monthly for a trial period of 2 months after which the progress will be checked and the contract renewed.
Other Thoughts:
Some of the most active Dogens have been onboarded onto our community through DAGT team, the hosts and co-hosts being one of them as well. The relationship with them has now been long-standing and rewarding.
I personally am a huge fan of DAGT and think this proposal is mutually beneficial, at the end of the 2 months we can tweak if needed. Also interested in maybe hosting other events with us, maybe in discord, but that is another chat!
Love this idea, beyond this proposal I’m interested in OTD X DAGT Discord Exclusive events, and spaces hosted by us to further familiarize the DAGT audience with Own the Doge.
I’m a big fan of DAGT and all that they contribute to the dogesphere; They have been unofficial Pixel Ambassadors for a while now and it would be great to officially partner with them in our mutual pursuit to Doge and Pixel Pill the world.
I’ve been an OG with them since the creation and ridden along all the ups and downs. I think we’ve collectively onboarded more people to create their first wallet and receive their first doge from their space…DJ was the first one to send my son doge too (thanks a lot, DogeDEX ).
DAGT has always rallied along the beat of its own drum and there’s no other perfect fit than to incorporate the meme itself to “officially” sponsor.
Just want to add that the pixel portal is an incredibly powerful tool for the randomness of owning a piece of meme estate, but also there’s alternatives to gifting nfts now that could help onboard total newbs.
been happy seeing all the tweets of new pixel holders and how much fun everyone is having in the name of doge - @DogeKing@DJDOGE would love a follow up report soon!
The 8-week OTD + DAGT collaboration aimed to increase pixel holders and fans of OTD meta and community by giving out one-to-two pixels per week over an 8-week period. The collaboration also aimed to increase DAGT interaction with the OTD community to grow awareness of a safe space for DOGE in Twitter spaces while having fun.
Increase pixel holders, fans of OTD meta and community, by giving out one to two pixels per week over 8-week period
Interact with OTD community to grow awareness to a safe space for DOGE in Twitter spaces
Have fun
Brian Big bad Brian and his Big Brown Beaver
NakdNick gave to wife Canduh
FindTHCA sold to me for DOGE, no NFT wallet or want to own an NFT
Ali Bianch Music
Achievements unlocked
We have seen 100% retention of all $dog sent to winners, all locked into pixels, since we gave the first away with DK, and throughout our 8-week giveaway. No winners, as far as we know, have burned and liquidated. Everyone (aside from the guy who sold his to me) has appeared to have a real love for DOGE and wants to HODL a pixel for the memeries.
Pain points
The pain points have been with a few hiccups in the minting process and amount of time spent teaching people who are generally new to crypto how to add $dog to wallet and walk them through minting. It has been slightly confusing for some people to interact with $dog, but it was fairly easy for me to walk people through the process of approving $dog for use and then minting.
Other feedback is that we thought there would be more interaction with some of the OTD team in the actual Twitter space. DK made some appearances, and we saw a few of you there occasionally, which was awesome! We also had imagined we would be able to gather a larger crowd on Discord. These tweets had far less interaction and visibility, which had to have played a role. We would love to bounce ideas on how to more effectively promote it and get more attendance on Discord!
Suggestions for improvement + future collab
Through this period of time, we have met several new talented musicians that OTD should meet and propose collaboration with music. Perhaps a pixel or Doge song can be produced. We can combine our collective minds, resources, and time to more effectively promote and onboard future pixel holders, continue to create a safe environment for DOGE to chill in every Friday, and have fun.
Great recap friend; I enjoyed every Discord event, seeing so many frens live on cam was much wow; I hope everyone at DAGT After Hours felt at home in our Discord; Your enthusiasm and professionalism while teaching people to buy $DOG, mint Pixels and so much more has been a huge asset to our project. I look forward to participating in our next joint activation!